Tag: cello

CMI City Sounds: Jared Thompso …

How To Raise A Young Musician …

Birds Calling in Fort Ben Word …

Below, read about Classical Re …

Get ready to dance! Although an unfamiliar style to some, klezmer is a music that has an undeniable folk sound that is combined with rhythms of dance. This musical style uses instruments to imitate the laughter and/or weeping of the human voice and is most often heard during times of merriment. Read below to learn more, and to listen to some recordings at the end.

Anne Duthie McCafferty grew up in Indianapolis and has played with the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra for 45 seasons. She never thought she would have the chance to have a performance job, but when the opportunity arose she took it. Since then, McCafferty has performed for millions of people, performed numerous fantastic pieces, and coordinates the local chapter of Classical Revolution. Read below about her life, career, and impact on Indy.

For the New Year we thought we’d ask our staff and Music Unites Artists to share their New Year’s Resolutions. A new year is always a good time to take a fresh look at life, what are you hoping to accomplish in 2018?

It’s not fake news, it’s very real. This Month in Classical Music History is a series dedicated to finding stories of the good, the bad, and the downright weird. For December read about Handel fighting his best friend in a duel, an atonal composer thought to be a Nazi sympathizer, and one of Indiana’s own Jazz legends.

In honor of National Senior Ci …

Classical Revolution: Casual C …