Tag: Latin-America

My Music. My Story. is one of Classical Music Indy’s initiatives to feature music, musicians, and music lovers in a fun way. Eduardo Luna an artist, DJ, and community advocate. He is currently working as a Big Car Collaborative staff artist and is a co-founder of Nopal Cultural, a local latino arts organization. Read below for Eduardo’s take on the importance of music, what music means to him, and how music affects community.

We attended and performed for Celebrate Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos) at the Eiteljorg Museum with partner Nopal Cultural this past Saturday, October 29. There’s still time to visit Nopal Cultural’s Día de los Muertos Linocut Prints and Altar Exhibition that will be on display and FREE to view through Nov. 2 in the Lilly Auditorium at the Eiteljorg Museum. Read below to learn more about Día de los Muertos and the events that happened this past Saturday. 2017 Update: The event is being held Oct 28 from 11am-5pm, learn more here.