Tag: Butler

My Music. My Story. Lindy Howa …

My Music. My Story. Cornelius …

My Music. My Story. Hilary But …

Rhythm & Dance Butler Univ …

Canadian Brass performs at Clo …

Interested in myths, legends, …

Classical Music Indy works eve …

The holidays are for spending time with family, relaxing, and treating ourselves. Music students and professionals deserve a break after playing so much Holiday music, but can’t afford to take extended time away from their instruments. In this week’s blog Heidi Radtke, Instructor of Saxophone at Butler University and regular Classical Music Indy performer, shares how to keep those chops up over the holiday break. Happy practicing!

On June 25, 2016, Kevin Lamont Randolph passed away. Randolph was a musician, educator, and lover of life. Kevin was involved with the Metropolitan Youth Orchestra (MYO) from its inception in 1995—first as a student, and later as the Program Coordinator. We met with Krystle Ford, Associate Director of the MYO, to learn more and share Kevin’s story.

One of Classical Music Indy’s …