Classical Music Indy collaborated with 10 Indianapolis sites and several local, independent classical artists to create pre-recorded performance videos, which can be accessed by scannable QR codes that are found on site. Four of the 10 sites feature original compositions written by local composers.
This location features a commissioned piece by the eclectic composer, Frank Felice.
This performance features a quartet with flutist Jenna Page, clarinetist Eric Salazar, bassoonist Kelly Swennson, and saxophonist Heidi Radtke performing at Garfield Park.
Find our QR code by visiting the Garfield Park Conservatory at 2505 Conservatory Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46203.
CMI City Sounds is a project of Classical Music Indy, supported by the Indy Arts and Culture Restart & Resilience Fund: An Arts Council of Indianapolis program made possible by Lilly Endowment Inc.